I know I’m in Florida
I know I’m in Florida when . . . . . . I’m invariably addressed by younger retail workers as “My dear,” except when I’m “Sweetheart.” Today I even got “Babe,” but I’m pretty sure that was a slip of the tongue. . . . The hills (well, the flatlands) are alive with the sound of bulldozers. I wouldn’t swear this acreage down the road from Steve used to be an orange grove, but odds are good. Incidentally, the name of said road is Moccasin Hollow. . . . There’s always something new to learn, especially in the natural world. This week’s surprise: the bay beaches hereabouts are littered with sea hares, a delightful sort of sea slug. When alarmed, they shoot out purple or garish pink ink. (I know; I accidentally stepped on one. I think it was already dead.) There’s a cool short video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFAdts1xUMc&feature=share . . . There are birds! Big enough for me to identify and photograph! Sandhill cranes and turkey vultures, r...