
Somehow this week feels like a downer. The novelty of being home with few commitments and no calendar--license to watch movies all day!--has worn off. The days are gray. It should be spring, but it isn't, really. Rusty sewing skills and scant supplies made for very frustrating mask-making.

So the photography expeditions have been few. Hence some random shots from what little I did accomplish, from a narrow field of exploration.

I spotted a couple of nice shadows when I watered the plants.

And I had another walk in that oasis of calm and beauty, Bangor's Mt. Hope Cemetery.


  1. I really like the flower shots (or leaf shots). I've been tempted to shoot in graveyards in the past, but the shots never seem to carry the vibe you get when you're actually there. Stay safe!

    1. Thank you! You're so right that cemetery shots, like ocean shots, can't convey the real atmosphere. But it's fun to try.


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